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Featured Program: Penguin Coding School in Lexington

Sign up today for free trial classes from September 7 to September 15

September 5, 2019

Penguin Coding School was started in the fall of 2016 by a Lexington MA dad to turn kids onto the joys of coding. We have developed our own curriculum that emphasizes the joys of creation as the motivation for learning. We believe coding is a lifelong creative endeavor, and a skill that is becoming increasingly necessary to be a productive citizen in the 21st century. We were voted 2019 Family Favorite STEM program by Boston Parent Magazine!

Coding is collaboration. We think face-to-face interaction with human teachers and other students in class is an important aspect of coding. Above all we want every student to learn that there is joy in creating something from nothing, and coding is a perfect medium for that.

We offer 3 semesters of instruction during the school year (fall, winter, spring) and a summer session. Students learn how to make things - from websites of their favorite animals to games like Super Mario Brothers. Advanced students learn Python and Java, including preparation of the AP exam in computer science.

There are Scratch classes for grades 1-3, HTML/Javascript classes for students in grades 4-8 and Python and Java classes for grades 7-12.

Starting this Saturday, Sept. 7th through Sunday, Sept 15th

FREE Trial Coding Classes at Penguin Coding School

Schedule and Sign Up: 

Weekend and weekday free trial classes

Grades 1-3 Learn Scratch

Grades 4-8 Build websites and games

Grades 6-12 Intro to Python or Java

Penguin Coding School
5 Militia Dr #101
Lexington MA 02421



